NEO GT (Governance Token)
What is NEO GT?
Non-transferable BEP-20 token. Address of NEO GT equals to NEO DAO address
NEO GT address = NEO DAO Address. This is the same smart contract
NEO GT token role in NEO DAO:
After NEO DAO creation, we will distribute Governance tokens (GT tokens) among NEO DAO participants.
All wallets with GTs have access to NEO DAO and can create any proposals. The quorum determines how many tokens are needed to activate any vote in NEO DAO. All issued GTs equals to 100%, so a 51% quorum will require 51% GTs, which are distributed among NEO DAO members.
NEO Governance tokens cannot be sent to another wallet by direct transfer. If there is a need to send tokens, for example, NEO DAO member decided to leave the project, that NEO DAO member needs to initiate a vote to transfer GT from his wallet to another.
Governance tokens cannot be sent to another wallet by direct transfer
As you can see, the NEO GT token makes it possible to be a member of the NEO DAO. What then is the difference between an LP token and a GT?
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